Monday, June 2, 2008


Today I was at work for my uncle mowing lawns at his appts. I ride a huge lawn mower that is really fast and works with levers instead of a steering wheel. When I first saw it and had the chance to opperate it, I was reminded of power rangers. The machine is much like when the power rangers go into battle in their vehicles. Once the battle is getting out of hand, the power rangers all merge their vehicles together to form a monster, transformer, goliath, of a warrior. This is what the lawn mower looks like. Anway, 2 weeks had past now and I was kicking some major grass... until today. It was a typical day and I was feeling good. I had my nalgine in the beasts cup holder, and my weapon of choice (weed wacker) on my lap for easy access incase of a major 411 ( grass covered sprinkler head). I had this in the bag. Carefully I was watching the rain gutters to avoid any unwanted interference, and then CRASH! I had no idea what had happened. It had come out of no where, the noise was the evidence that something misfortunate had definately happend, but where? I had my eye on the rain gutter the entire time! And there were no wires around that could have been whipped from the wall. Unable to look behind me because the bladder of the beast was too large to see over. I got off the mower and beheld the innocent slaughter of an appartment window. I had been blinded by my confidence. I had gone into battle concentrating on the obvious, but never thought to look past the path into the surrounding obsticles practicing their guerilla warfare techniques with precision. Running with confusion and fear weighing me down I found the man incharge and stuttered, "Uh, there is a huge hole in the side of the building where a window used to be because I drove through it with the lawn mower, even though you told me a million times to be careful...." as fast as I could. All I could think for the next 2 hours was, "good one chrissy, good one."

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Birthdays, Pretzels, And Spiderman

I just recently went to New York with My sister Katie to meet up with my other sister Rach and her dentist. It was great. I decided that I would never want to live in New York unless I could live in one of the way fancy apartments across the street from the Met museum and central park. But then again if I could live in one of those apartments I could afford to live anywhere and wouldnt be in New York anyway. While we were there people thought it was crazy how similar me and my sisters looks were. (which is stupid since their first question was, are you sisters, which would imply you would think that we would look alike.) I wish our other sister megster could have come, cause then we really would have blown the New Yorkers minds with quadruplets.
In the first photo I am doing a birthday dance in my birthday red boots. (katie thinks they are funny and dared me to wear them around town all day. I did. Her plan backfired since she was more embarrassed to be around me than I was wearing them.) The second picture is a homeless man dressed as spiderman. The third photograph is me with a moderately famous person. And the fourth photo is me eating the second best burger in america.
It was really cool of my sister Rach, and her dentist to let us stay with them for awhile and to take us to the horse races, etc. And it was REALLY cool of my sister Katie to fly all the way out to New York and be my "mom". ( even though I didnt act like it, I really did appreciate her looking out for me and making sure I didnt step in anything gross on the sidewalks.) Also we got to go make some pretzels at my aunts new store. I probably wont ever eat one again, but I sure do like to make em'. Anyway, it was great seeing everyone and I had an awesome trip.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


No matter how convincing your friends can be, dont watch this....

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Delicate Arch.
This past weekend I went on a trip to Arches National Park. It was a way fun trip, and extremely random since me and my friends didnt decide to go until thursday night. The only problem with the lack of planning, was that we ended up sleeping at some elementary playground on the wood chips cause the sprinklers came on whem we were on the grass.

I do have to say that Arches is probably one of the coolest places I have ever been. There probably were more tourists from switzerland and Japan than any other place that I have been. Not only were the arches great, the people there were in their own catagory of greatness. I didnt realize that when I went to see Delicate Arch at sunset the real show was going to be the people there. There was one guy that felt like he needed to run around the steep cliff surrounding all of us and the Arch. He obviously needed to get from one point to the other at intense speeds, even if he was gambling with a 100 ft drop. There was also a Japanese man that was totally unimpressed with the Arch because he seemed to take a picture of everything except the arch. I felt bad for the guy cause at first I thought that he just hadnt noticed it yet, since he was looking at the rocks surrounding the base of the Arch. Slowly his niave-ness was getting on my nerves and I started to wisper in an inspirational tone"look up....look up....". Im sure that he heard me because where the Arch was located the surroundings served as a microphone and you could pretty much hear every conversation going on. Needless to say, the guy finally looked up. There was also a Swiss woman that felt it was her job to regulate how much "arch time" people got. If you took more than 2 pictures under the arch you could bet that you were going to get the wrath of the Swiss. Oh and also there was some punk-nugget kid that thought he would try and deface the Arch with his name infront of a bunch of Moab hippies. I thought he was going to get stoned or thrown off the edge of the cliff.

Anyway I strongly suggest going and checking this National Park out, it was awesome, maybe plan a place to stay though if you go.

Monday, April 14, 2008


Logan is great. This is me at the top of the Wind Caves hike and this picture was taken on my 105th pushup, I was just warming up to do another 200 of them.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

alright, im over it.....

Yeah snow is great, for about 2 months. Im over it, bring on spring baby!

Sunday, March 23, 2008


(k well this is such a gross picture and taken after I had been driving for 10 hours that day, but I thought that it did my tongue justice.)

Aight so I was tagged awhile ago, and I figured now was a great time to respond.

What Were you Doing 10 Years Ago:

Ten years ago I was turning 9 and that would mean that I was in the last bit of my 3rd grade year. Which also means that I had a rad bike that had flames on it. (I wish I had the picture on my comp cause I would totally post it since it is definately posting worthy.) My sister was getting married and all I knew about the situation was that I had to wear a dress and I was not happy about it. Especially since her color was some shade of purple. I thought my dads new riding lawn mower was the coolest thing in the world and I planned that the next time that I ran away I would take that as transportation. I was starting to compete in piano competitions and kicking some serious trash in them.

5 Things On My To-Do-List For the Day

1) Go to class (sounds simple but is really difficult.)

2) Take a nap

3) Go to gym

4) Grocery shop

5) Chill with Roomies

Snacks I Enjoy:

1) Dried Plums (which in all reality is prunes but I find that people accept them with this other name)

2) Soy Beans

3) Big Hunks

4) Chips and Salsa

If I Were Suddenly A Billionaire:

I would move out of my dorm.....

3 Bad Habbits

1) I bite my fingernails when nervous

2) Tend to not be able to look people straight in the eye for more than a few seconds

3) Procrastinate

5 Jobs I have Had:

1) Pooper-scooper

2)Movie theatre ticket ripper (I hated this job and often liked to mess with the people going to a movie by saying "movie is on the left" but then point to my right and watch them shuffle step for a bit until they figured it out on their own.)

3) Filling invoices for Kencraft.

4) Telemarketer (I wasnt very good at this job because phone calls were only supposed to last for 3 minutes and I would always end up getting some old lonely guy that just wanted to talk to someone so I would just let them talk. One guy was telling me about some nurse lady that he had a crush on and how he got robbed awhile back and stabbed.)

5) Working at wedding receptions

5 Things people dont know about me:

1) I have a really long tongue and have these crazy bone things that stick out underneath it. Its kinda gross but I am sure that I have a picture somewhere that I can post of it.

2) I like to draw even though I never show anyone anything that I draw.

3) At one point in highschool I could do 64 pushups.

4) When I was little I wasnt allowed to watch Batman or TMT because my mom said I got violent after and would break furniture.

5) Our neighbors used to have horses and I used to stand on the fence and wait for one to jog by and jump on it and ride it bare back with my friend Taylor.

The end.

Friday, February 29, 2008

I Know What I Want....Trust Me.

So recently I have been learning a lot about financial planning etc. And one something that really caught my eye were mutual funds. I am reading this book and it said pretty much that I should be a millionaire already at my age, and if I am not, then I should get a mutual fund so that I can eventually be a millionaire in 10+ years. So I started to research mutual funds and I called up Norm (cause in all honesty I think Norm knows what he is doin' in life). Anyway so I hit up the Edward Jones place in logan to go see what I needed to do to get things in order for a mutual fund. The guy talked to me for around 2 hours about stuff that I generally already knew and I kept telling him what I wanted and asked him some questions. Eventually I thought that we were on the same page, and he handed me some documents to start signing. As I was signing them I realized that It was a form for a ROTH IRA. From what I have learned anything IRA is a retirement fund. (the last thing that I wanted.) So I asked, "uh, ROTH IRA? what am I doin signing this?" He said, "oh its what you want, its a good thing." So after our meeting I call up my dad (cause my dad has the answers to most questions or atleast has a whole bunch of common sense.) He said that this guy was lame and that we should just do it by ourselves. (which in most cases I think my dads answer to everything is "do it yourself". That is why I grew up with a lot of "fix me ups" fixed up with either duct tape or wire.) Anyway the point of the story is that I sat there for 2 hours telling this guy exactly what I wanted and he just ignored it cause he didnt believe me that a plain mutual fund is what I wanted. Its annoying cause I deal with it all the time, I go get my hair cut, and tell the lady exactly what I want and after she is done I am left with something totally different and a whole bunch of excuses of why she cut it that way and that this is really the haircut that I wanted. I apparently just lied to her and myself, and in the Edward Jones case I was lying too. Anyway, super annoying.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

So I made an appearance at the Mardi Gras party this past weekend. It was definately as good as people hyped it up to be. I was a bit skeptical at first since the HOWL let me down tremendously. But I am glad I went, it definately was the "Shiz".
At the Party there was a face painter. It was pretty cool because instead of paint brushes they used some sort of gun and kinda just blasted the paint right on ya. There was 2 ladies and one kinda punk guy there doing the face-blasting and I got shafted with the guy. I asked for a super cool sun with cool colors and he said "aight" so I assumed by his response that I would have had a sun on my face. And I did assume that I had a sun on my face until I got home and went to wash it off and saw that instead of a sun there was a unicorn with giant wings in its place. Normally I probably would have been a little ticked off but I think the unicorn turned out quite nicely.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Tom Vs. David

I never thought that there would be competition for David Beckham in the area of looks. I was wrong. I have seen pictures of Mr. Brady before but I never gave him a second look until his recent publicity with his cologne comercials and his footballing etc. He is definately a ten. The only problem is that David is definately a ten as well. I cannot have 2 number ones, its just not right. Here are a list of pros and cons and I dont know, maybe you guys could help me out with deciding.
David Beckham Pros:
-Plays the hottest sport around
-Has an accent
-His hair......
-Talking is not a strong point of his
-semi girly
Tom Brady Pros:
-Manly man
-The best at what he does
-Grows some gnarly gruff
-wears tights to work
-dumped his girlfriend when she got prego
-got worked in the superbowl
-Plays for the patriots
I give both guys props for pulling out the girly side of me.

Monday, February 4, 2008


Now, I have gotten some pretty amazing gifts from my parents in the past 18 years but none could even come close to my pal Banjo. A lot of you may think that it is a bit strange for me to dedicate a blogspot to my dog. If you are thinking that, then clearly you have never met Banjo. He is a giant, 75 lbs, hairy loveball. I love coming home from college because he practically slams me to the ground, unable to contain his excitement. He is just a great dog and I feel really bad that I had to leave him behind and go to college.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Backyard....(well to be exact, the sideyard)

Alright, here is a list of items that I disposed of in the side yard of my alpine house.....

LOCATIONS: In the grove of trees on the corner by the street sign and on the backside of the house almost in the Karens yard. For a small while it was where we stacked those piles of dead branches where mom eventually grew her berry bushes.

- For a little while I was into buring things, so I would melt them and then put them in the ground.
- A pair of shoes. (old, black, nike, shoes that I found in the basement where the dogpin was.)
-one of the pegs off of the spring-rocking horse downstairs that we had.
-Megans (I think it was hers) flip clock. (the grey one that folded and flipped back up)
-A calculator
-I know there was more but that is all that I can remember that I hid in the yard

-egg shells (from when me and McCall used to try and hatch eggs by sitting on them.)
-Rach's Madonna cd, that was just in storage for a really long time until she got a new one, and I "found" the old one so I could keep it.
-Rach's HELP cd by the Beatles. (that was before I was smart about it, I just put that one right in the hole so when I went to get it, it was irrecoverable. Madonna cd on the other hand was in an envelope in a box.)
-Granades......(I made them when I got that chemistry set for christmas, I was convinced that they worked.)
-Taylor stole a giga-pet from one of the Owen kids I think and we hid it there.
-A gun that me and Jarom found one summer
-a tea cup from Rach's mini tea set thing that she had on her shelf.
-A lizard shirt that I really didnt like and didnt want mom to make me wear. (it had pink on it, give me a break)
-A tape that me and taylor recorded secrets on
-blueprints for an underground bowling ally
-Several notes from Mrs. Dovedale and Ms. Fassett

-well there you have it. That spot is practically a gold mine for a creative kid looking for some kicks one summer.

Monday, January 28, 2008


39- I have gotten a bead stuck up my nose on several occasions
40- I am scared of basements
41- My neice can tell a better bed time story than me and she is 6
42- I used to have hair down to my butt
43- I killed several of my sisters fishes. Once by spraying perfume in the tank, and the other time I flushed it before it was dead.
44- I throw a football extremely well
45- Cant go into a bathroom after someone else has gone in, until atleast 10 minutes after
46- I love to run down the hallways of hotels
47- I have a crush on Mic Jagger. ( yeah so what he is 60)
48- Never stayed at a job longer than 4 months (work is boring)
49- tried to trick the eye doctor so I could get glasses even though I didnt need them
50- My favorite animal is a lion

Sunday, January 27, 2008

100 things about you

Alright, I dont know if I can make it to 100 like my sister did but we will see....

1- i get really mad when people pronounce my middle name c-l-o-ee, its just cloe.
2-I think that my family is the best in the world
3-Sometimes I base decisions around my dog
4-I use to burry things in my backyard so I wouldnt get in trouble
5-People tell me that I am pretty intimidating when they first meet me
6-I played soccer on a pretty good club team and also on the the worst highschool soccer team
7-I judge boys sometimes on their pants. (cant stand carpenter pants...why in the world would you need those tiny pockets on the side of your knee and a loop for a hammer when you are just going to dinner or hanging out?)
8- Hate BYU
9-almost got arrested for jumping in a raft I found on the side of a lake
10- Love to go fishing with my dad
11- Very picky when it comes to music
12- Threw up all over a kid on a road trip last summer
13- Once thought that bananas grew in Hungary
14- Secretly wish all of my sisters never married and lived at home. (Not that my bro-in-laws are lame or anything, I just miss my sisters)
15-always had trouble with spelling
16- I want to write comic strips one day
17- hate anime
18- I am rediculously good at ping-pong
19- I usually beat most boys in competitions
20- I really like hockey even though I do not understand all of the rules yet
21- I am overly confident in most situations
22- I rode a bus for 4 hours alone once, because I didnt read where it was headed to
23- I blew the microwave up once and tried to hide the smell with hairspray and get rid of the smoke with a blow dryer.
24- I use to fight boys for money. (I would bet that I could beat them up for money. I made quite a bit)
25- Favorite candy is airheads
26- wish that I was really strong
27- Jr. year of highschool I could do 60 push ups in a row.
28- high-centered my honda on a median
29-high-centered my truck on a snowbank
30-use to take my moms truck out on the dirt roads before it was legal for me to drive
31-I have a freakishly long tongue
32- Have never known what was going on in politics and probably never will
33- Always look for the easy way out even though most times it takes longer than just doing it
34-terrified of snakes
35- I cant stand it when people are barefooted
36- hate it when people say goodmorning
37- Love chinese food
38- Once tried to pass my sisters master piece drawing off as my own
...............alright this is rediculous. I dont know how you made it to 100 megan.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My Bad....

So this is kinda embarassing, I was about to post a blog about how I have gotten better at organizing and picking up after myself since I had moved out of my parents house. I totally thought I had until I took this picture and put it on the computer. I hope that my mom doesnt think of me as a failure in the whole cleaning department, she did teach me well. I just have yet to apply her teachings into my everyday life. The good news is that I do manage to keep it on my side of the room.
Whenever my roomies feel sad they just come in my room and take a look at my color coordinated sheets.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

How am I able to see anything? Seriously.... People make fun of my eyes all of the time, but I figured they were just trying to be funny. My parents wonder how I can high-center my honda on a median infront of wendys. OBVIOUSLY I CANT SEE!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Good Break...

good christmas-sweater party.

Me and my friends went to "First Night" in SLC. It was cold and thats all I have to say.

Welp, I am back at usu. I was not too happy about it on the drive up, but something about logan just makes you happy right when you come out of the canyon. ( I think this time what made me happy was coming out of the canyon alive, snow and all.) I had a fantastic break. My parents are great, I hope that they know how much I like em'. And my mom deserves a thanks since she watched me move from couch to couch all break long with out saying a word (even though I know it had to of got on her nerves.) It was great seeing all of my sisters again, and I couldnt imagine not being able to be at my house for christmas every year. I asked my sisters how they do it, and they just said that you had to deal with it cause there is no way around it. Well I found one, Im just gonna marry an orphan......Booyah. Oh yeah, and congrats to ALEX on his mission call to TAIWAN! He will be a super missionary and really easy to spot out i am guessing.