Wednesday, February 13, 2008

So I made an appearance at the Mardi Gras party this past weekend. It was definately as good as people hyped it up to be. I was a bit skeptical at first since the HOWL let me down tremendously. But I am glad I went, it definately was the "Shiz".
At the Party there was a face painter. It was pretty cool because instead of paint brushes they used some sort of gun and kinda just blasted the paint right on ya. There was 2 ladies and one kinda punk guy there doing the face-blasting and I got shafted with the guy. I asked for a super cool sun with cool colors and he said "aight" so I assumed by his response that I would have had a sun on my face. And I did assume that I had a sun on my face until I got home and went to wash it off and saw that instead of a sun there was a unicorn with giant wings in its place. Normally I probably would have been a little ticked off but I think the unicorn turned out quite nicely.


Mr. Belvedeere said...

is that your unicorn pose? terrible...put some conviction into it!

chrissy said...

i was going more for mysterious...