Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Tom Vs. David

I never thought that there would be competition for David Beckham in the area of looks. I was wrong. I have seen pictures of Mr. Brady before but I never gave him a second look until his recent publicity with his cologne comercials and his footballing etc. He is definately a ten. The only problem is that David is definately a ten as well. I cannot have 2 number ones, its just not right. Here are a list of pros and cons and I dont know, maybe you guys could help me out with deciding.
David Beckham Pros:
-Plays the hottest sport around
-Has an accent
-His hair......
-Talking is not a strong point of his
-semi girly
Tom Brady Pros:
-Manly man
-The best at what he does
-Grows some gnarly gruff
-wears tights to work
-dumped his girlfriend when she got prego
-got worked in the superbowl
-Plays for the patriots
I give both guys props for pulling out the girly side of me.


meg said...

Tom Brady. Absolutely. Football over soccer any day.

chrissy said...

Yeah but he is a loser, he lost.

katetheskate said...

Umm...Chrissy, don't you think that there are better things you could be doing wih yout time than...whoa, I almost got through that without laughing! Seriously though, you've GOT to be KIDDING!!! T.B has nothin' on D.B. Don't make me puke dude! Get your act together, or I'm gonna have to throw a yellow flag.