Friday, February 29, 2008

I Know What I Want....Trust Me.

So recently I have been learning a lot about financial planning etc. And one something that really caught my eye were mutual funds. I am reading this book and it said pretty much that I should be a millionaire already at my age, and if I am not, then I should get a mutual fund so that I can eventually be a millionaire in 10+ years. So I started to research mutual funds and I called up Norm (cause in all honesty I think Norm knows what he is doin' in life). Anyway so I hit up the Edward Jones place in logan to go see what I needed to do to get things in order for a mutual fund. The guy talked to me for around 2 hours about stuff that I generally already knew and I kept telling him what I wanted and asked him some questions. Eventually I thought that we were on the same page, and he handed me some documents to start signing. As I was signing them I realized that It was a form for a ROTH IRA. From what I have learned anything IRA is a retirement fund. (the last thing that I wanted.) So I asked, "uh, ROTH IRA? what am I doin signing this?" He said, "oh its what you want, its a good thing." So after our meeting I call up my dad (cause my dad has the answers to most questions or atleast has a whole bunch of common sense.) He said that this guy was lame and that we should just do it by ourselves. (which in most cases I think my dads answer to everything is "do it yourself". That is why I grew up with a lot of "fix me ups" fixed up with either duct tape or wire.) Anyway the point of the story is that I sat there for 2 hours telling this guy exactly what I wanted and he just ignored it cause he didnt believe me that a plain mutual fund is what I wanted. Its annoying cause I deal with it all the time, I go get my hair cut, and tell the lady exactly what I want and after she is done I am left with something totally different and a whole bunch of excuses of why she cut it that way and that this is really the haircut that I wanted. I apparently just lied to her and myself, and in the Edward Jones case I was lying too. Anyway, super annoying.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

So I made an appearance at the Mardi Gras party this past weekend. It was definately as good as people hyped it up to be. I was a bit skeptical at first since the HOWL let me down tremendously. But I am glad I went, it definately was the "Shiz".
At the Party there was a face painter. It was pretty cool because instead of paint brushes they used some sort of gun and kinda just blasted the paint right on ya. There was 2 ladies and one kinda punk guy there doing the face-blasting and I got shafted with the guy. I asked for a super cool sun with cool colors and he said "aight" so I assumed by his response that I would have had a sun on my face. And I did assume that I had a sun on my face until I got home and went to wash it off and saw that instead of a sun there was a unicorn with giant wings in its place. Normally I probably would have been a little ticked off but I think the unicorn turned out quite nicely.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Tom Vs. David

I never thought that there would be competition for David Beckham in the area of looks. I was wrong. I have seen pictures of Mr. Brady before but I never gave him a second look until his recent publicity with his cologne comercials and his footballing etc. He is definately a ten. The only problem is that David is definately a ten as well. I cannot have 2 number ones, its just not right. Here are a list of pros and cons and I dont know, maybe you guys could help me out with deciding.
David Beckham Pros:
-Plays the hottest sport around
-Has an accent
-His hair......
-Talking is not a strong point of his
-semi girly
Tom Brady Pros:
-Manly man
-The best at what he does
-Grows some gnarly gruff
-wears tights to work
-dumped his girlfriend when she got prego
-got worked in the superbowl
-Plays for the patriots
I give both guys props for pulling out the girly side of me.

Monday, February 4, 2008


Now, I have gotten some pretty amazing gifts from my parents in the past 18 years but none could even come close to my pal Banjo. A lot of you may think that it is a bit strange for me to dedicate a blogspot to my dog. If you are thinking that, then clearly you have never met Banjo. He is a giant, 75 lbs, hairy loveball. I love coming home from college because he practically slams me to the ground, unable to contain his excitement. He is just a great dog and I feel really bad that I had to leave him behind and go to college.