Sunday, March 23, 2008


(k well this is such a gross picture and taken after I had been driving for 10 hours that day, but I thought that it did my tongue justice.)

Aight so I was tagged awhile ago, and I figured now was a great time to respond.

What Were you Doing 10 Years Ago:

Ten years ago I was turning 9 and that would mean that I was in the last bit of my 3rd grade year. Which also means that I had a rad bike that had flames on it. (I wish I had the picture on my comp cause I would totally post it since it is definately posting worthy.) My sister was getting married and all I knew about the situation was that I had to wear a dress and I was not happy about it. Especially since her color was some shade of purple. I thought my dads new riding lawn mower was the coolest thing in the world and I planned that the next time that I ran away I would take that as transportation. I was starting to compete in piano competitions and kicking some serious trash in them.

5 Things On My To-Do-List For the Day

1) Go to class (sounds simple but is really difficult.)

2) Take a nap

3) Go to gym

4) Grocery shop

5) Chill with Roomies

Snacks I Enjoy:

1) Dried Plums (which in all reality is prunes but I find that people accept them with this other name)

2) Soy Beans

3) Big Hunks

4) Chips and Salsa

If I Were Suddenly A Billionaire:

I would move out of my dorm.....

3 Bad Habbits

1) I bite my fingernails when nervous

2) Tend to not be able to look people straight in the eye for more than a few seconds

3) Procrastinate

5 Jobs I have Had:

1) Pooper-scooper

2)Movie theatre ticket ripper (I hated this job and often liked to mess with the people going to a movie by saying "movie is on the left" but then point to my right and watch them shuffle step for a bit until they figured it out on their own.)

3) Filling invoices for Kencraft.

4) Telemarketer (I wasnt very good at this job because phone calls were only supposed to last for 3 minutes and I would always end up getting some old lonely guy that just wanted to talk to someone so I would just let them talk. One guy was telling me about some nurse lady that he had a crush on and how he got robbed awhile back and stabbed.)

5) Working at wedding receptions

5 Things people dont know about me:

1) I have a really long tongue and have these crazy bone things that stick out underneath it. Its kinda gross but I am sure that I have a picture somewhere that I can post of it.

2) I like to draw even though I never show anyone anything that I draw.

3) At one point in highschool I could do 64 pushups.

4) When I was little I wasnt allowed to watch Batman or TMT because my mom said I got violent after and would break furniture.

5) Our neighbors used to have horses and I used to stand on the fence and wait for one to jog by and jump on it and ride it bare back with my friend Taylor.

The end.


katetheskate said...

How do you expect anybody to be able to read through that after seeing such a picture?!!! I got halfway, and realized I wasn't really even processing the info due to that ferociously invasive image having seered itself into my eye-flesh........ simply disturbing. Thanks a lot.....

katetheskate said...

Seriously, you could stab someone with that thing. A lethal weapon.

katetheskate said...

Your tongue could star in it's own horror movie. It would be called "The Longest, Scariest, Most Violently Pointy Tongue Ever!". At least you would be rich though, cause EVERYONE would want to go see it.

katetheskate said...

pointy, long tongue.........

Mr. Belvedeere said...

i think you could enter that thing in the state fair! blue ribbon for pointy long-tonguedness