Today I was at work for my uncle mowing lawns at his appts. I ride a huge lawn mower that is really fast and works with levers instead of a steering wheel. When I first saw it and had the chance to opperate it, I was reminded of power rangers. The machine is much like when the power rangers go into battle in their vehicles. Once the battle is getting out of hand, the power rangers all merge their vehicles together to form a monster, transformer, goliath, of a warrior. This is what the lawn mower looks like. Anway, 2 weeks had past now and I was kicking some major grass... until today. It was a typical day and I was feeling good. I had my nalgine in the beasts cup holder, and my weapon of choice (weed wacker) on my lap for easy access incase of a major 411 ( grass covered sprinkler head). I had this in the bag. Carefully I was watching the rain gutters to avoid any unwanted interference, and then CRASH! I had no idea what had happened. It had come out of no where, the noise was the evidence that something misfortunate had definately happend, but where? I had my eye on the rain gutter the entire time! And there were no wires around that could have been whipped from the wall. Unable to look behind me because the bladder of the beast was too large to see over. I got off the mower and beheld the innocent slaughter of an appartment window. I had been blinded by my confidence. I had gone into battle concentrating on the obvious, but never thought to look past the path into the surrounding obsticles practicing their guerilla warfare techniques with precision. Running with confusion and fear weighing me down I found the man incharge and stuttered, "Uh, there is a huge hole in the side of the building where a window used to be because I drove through it with the lawn mower, even though you told me a million times to be careful...." as fast as I could. All I could think for the next 2 hours was, "good one chrissy, good one."